What a wonderful week we've had.
As always themore I listen, the more
I learn. Listening to what the children are
saying is a skill to be learned. We are usually thinking
that we have to say something:What is it? Is that
a "____"? If we simply listen to what the children say and see,
we will learn so much. Their minds are active and constantly processing
experiences. They know and absorb much more than one would ever think.
I brought slip(clay water) into the Young 2's class as well as plexiglass
and a board. The children come with much curiosity and openness.
They even know my name( a huge compliment).
They took their hands and swirled the clay-water around. They watched their
hands moving the liquid around,creating swirls and lines.
They patted,smeared and smudged. They made hand prints on the
board and tapped it with small bits of clay. We went over our scheduled time
and I hated to go they were so focused and enjoying
their exploration. These are the moments that build
patience , perseverance and joy.
The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. ~Author Unknown